纽约思想者智库(NYSC) 是由一群独立学者建立的一家非政府组织。其使命是促进人们对亚洲国家当代政治和社会动态的细致理解,为国际社会和政府决策提供及时的洞见。NYSC 致力于弥合学术研究与政策制定之间的差距,特别强调美亚关系,尤其是美中两个大国之间的互动,以避免不必要的误判。
NYSC 坚持政治中立,不参与及支持任何政治党派。该中心从事各种学术研究,举办包括讲座、公共论坛、圆桌会议等公开和闭门活动,并与各类机构合作,以增进社会和个人对亚洲国家的更深层次的了解。
NYSC 是根据纽约州法律注册的非营利组织,具有联邦 501(c)(3) 免税地位。该中心感谢所有个人和机构的慷慨支持。
The New York Sage Center (NYSC) is a non-governmental organization established by a consortium of independent scholars. Its mission is to foster a nuanced understanding of contemporary political and social dynamics in Asian countries, providing timely insights to the international community and governments. NYSC is dedicated to bridging the gap between academic research and policy-making, with a particular emphasis on US-Asia relations, especially US-China interactions.
NYSC maintains a bipartisan stance, refraining from involvement in American political affiliations. The Center supports a diverse array of academic research, hosts both public and private events, and collaborates with various institutions to enhance collective and individual knowledge of Asian nations.
Registered as a non-profit organization under New York law, NYSC holds a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. The Center is grateful for the generous support it receives from individuals and institutions.